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    How to Keep Insects At Bay, Naturally

    How to Keep Insects At Bay, Naturally
    October 27, 2016 Giulia
    In Lifestyle
    insect balm
    Nothing ruins your happiness on warm days more than annoying insects and mosquitoes. But insect repellents aren’t always good for you, with most containing toxic ingredients. A much more effective solution is to go the natural route. Here are some natural ingredients that keep insects out of your blissful summer days.

    Citronella Oil

    This oil actually comes from various lemongrass species. You can find it in topical creams and even home decor items such as candles to keep mosquitoes out of your home. If you like, grow citronella in your garden for a beautiful burst of greenery and anti-mosquito benefits. You can find citronella in Natural Olive Insect Balm that keeps mosquitoes and insects away. It’s organic so it’s good for your skin.


    Studies have found that patchouli is a great way to repel bugs for up to two hours of protection. But it can be a little strong on the senses, so you might want to mix it into some carrier oils, such as jojoba oil, to make the smell less overpowering.

    Rosemary Oil

    Keep annoying flies away from your outdoor Christmas feast with rosemary essential oil. But it becomes even more effective when combined with other oils and ingredients. Here’s an anti-fly spray recipe you can find in Natural Homestead: 40+ recipes for critters and Crops by Jill Winger that makes use of rosemary oil.

    You’ll need:

    2 cups water
    20 drops rosemary essential oil
    2 cups apple cider vinegar
    10 drops melaleuca essential oil
    10 drops cilantro essential oil
    10 drops lemongrass essential oil
    3 drops natural liquid dish soap

    Mix them together and put the blend into a spray bottle.

    Olive Oil

    It might surprise you to hear that olive oil is an effective vegetable oil that keeps mosquitoes away. If you like adding bird baths to your garden to attract birds, adding a few tablespoons of olive oil to the water can keep the mozzies from enjoying a dip. Olive oil is also a great carrier oil for DIY insect-repellent recipes, and can be found in Natural Olive Skincare Balm that is safe for your baby’s gentle skin. The bonus of olive oil is that it treats dry summer skin, leaving it feeling silky soft.

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