Easy Ways To Find The Right Coffee Table

Easy Ways To Find The Right Coffee Table
June 19, 2017 Giulia
In Interiors
coffee table
Coffee tables are practical with a lot of style potential, so don’t think any old one will do! Here are some smart tricks for locating the perfect coffee table for your needs and home design.

Don’t Be Afraid To Shift Its Shape

You might think that a round coffee table is the way to go, but consider other shapes, like rectangular, square or even oval coffee tables. Take the rest of your furniture into consideration, though. If your room is filled with sharp lines or heavy furniture, a bit of contrast in the form of a round, lighter coffee table can be perfect, and the opposite also holds true.

Take Note Of Its Height

You want your coffee table to be the right height, not just so that it’s comfortable to reach for your coffee mug but also so that it’s in proportion with the rest of the room. A good tip is to choose a coffee table that’s just about the same height as your sofa or chairs. If your sofa’s lower, then make the coffee table lower, too.

The More the Merrier?

You don’t have to stick to just one coffee table. If you have lots of space, consider using smaller coffee tables, of different designs and sizes, to bring an eclectic tone to the room.

Create More Space

If you want your coffee table to create the illusion of more space in your room, choose one with a glass top. But make sure the rug on which you place it looks beautiful as it will shine through!

Boost Your Room’s Storage

On the other hand, you might need more storage in your home – the coffee table you choose can come in handy for this purpose while looking good. Choose a coffee table that’s long and can fit suitcases or shelves underneath it, so that style and storage come together perfectly.

Make It Art!

If you want your coffee table to be the design focus of your room, you should choose one that’s more artistic. Choosing a coffee table in a gorgeous vintage design, interesting material or colour is a clever way to make your coffee table stand out. Who said coffee tables are just for holding up your coffee mug? They’re an opportunity to showcase some serious style!

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