How To Buy Less This Christmas Season And Still Have A Ball

How To Buy Less This Christmas Season And Still Have A Ball
November 20, 2017 Giulia
In Christmas, Lifestyle
It’s almost the silly season, which means the craziness of having to buy loads of gifts as well as things to help you host fantastic parties is about to strike. Yikes, stressful! Maybe you’ve already started collecting stuff that’s putting a dent in your finances. A study shows that 75 percent of Australians purchase Christmas gifts by using their savings, while 36 percent use their credit cards. Besides for the money mayhem that can occur, all that consumerism is sure to leave you stressed out. Here’s how to slow down your shopping this year and why it can help you have a better holiday.

Change Your Shopping Habits

You might find that you tend to shop for the same gifts from the same places, but this could cause you to overspend. Think outside of the box. Instead of shopping at physical stores, which also racks up petrol costs, consider shopping online. When doing so, it helps to have a list of gifts you want to search for and always search for them by using a general internet search as they might actually be more expensive at your favorite e-stores. It could also help to think of more creative ideas for your Christmas gifts, such as making them yourself. This makes them more personal and unique than store-bought goods that get thrown away or forgotten in a few weeks.

Choose Experiences Instead Of Material Gifts

Your mother might love the expensive perfume you buy her, but she’ll probably enjoy a day out with you doing a fun activity together much more. Research from San Francisco State University found that when people spent money on experiences instead of material goods, they were happier and felt that the money was better spent. If you’ve ever felt guilt after splurging, you’ll know how horrible it feels. Make memories that last much longer than the high from buying something new.

Share The Christmas Load

If you’re the one responsible for organising and cooking the Christmas lunch, it’s time to get some help. Suggest a group effort with loved ones and/or friends so you can all share the load. A potluck Christmas is also a good idea. You can make the main course, but then let other guests bring other meals. Just make sure that you know what everyone’s bringing to avoid food shortages or people bringing the same things!

Start Free Family Traditions

Instead of swapping gifts and having expensive holidays during the festive season, consider starting new family traditions that don’t cost a thing. This could include having fun game or movie nights together, visiting tree farms, going ice skating, baking or volunteering to give back to those less fortunate. Remember, it’s when you give to others that you enjoy the true spirit of Christmas.

Track Your Spending

An app like Mint to help you control and manage your spending is vital over the festive season. It will keep your spending in check by helping you create budgets, give you suggestions based on your spending habits, and track your expenses so you can stay on top of things. You’ll thank yourself when February comes around next year and you’re not still paying off all your Christmas expenses!

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