4 Low-Calorie Ideas For Turkey Stuffing

4 Low-Calorie Ideas For Turkey Stuffing
December 12, 2016 Giulia
In Christmas, Lifestyle
Traditional turkey stuffing is a staple at many Christmas tables, but it can be unhealthy and fattening. If you’ve already decided you’re going to enjoy dessert, you might want to cull some calories. You can do this by choosing a healthier, low-calorie stuffing option that doesn’t lack any deliciousness and leaves your guests satisfied. Here are some ideas.

Rice Stuffing

Trade bread for rice instead. It’s not only lower in calories but filled with nutrients and protein, plus it’s great if you need a gluten-free option for your family. This delicious rice stuffing recipe makes use of cranberries, chopped apples and veggies such as mushrooms to make a delicious, full-flavoured and creative low-cal stuffing without the guilt.

Vegetable Stuffing

Turkey stuffing made with veggies is another great idea. With celery, green peppers, and onions, you can give your turkey stuffing a nice blast of flavour. This recipe makes use of delicious veggies while also providing a great way to cut carbs: it makes use of almond flour instead of bread.

Fruity Stuffing

Fruits are always a must to sweeten your Christmas dishes and they come in handy if you’re looking for low-cal but nutritious stuffing recipes. Use fresh apples, herbs, such as rosemary and parsley, and almonds for a tasty stuffing treat. Although this recipe makes use of butter, make sure it’s unsalted so you decrease your sodium content that can often be high in stuffing recipes.

Quinoa Stuffing

If you’d like something different from both bread and rice in your stuffing, choose quinoa. This seed is healthy, naturally gluten-free while also being a nice spin on traditional stuffing ideas. Try this quinoa recipe that makes use of vegetable broth, kale, herbs, cinnamon, walnuts and dried cranberries. It’s great for a lighter but tasty stuffing that’s packed with texture and flavour.

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